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Advancing Drug Development with Digital Health: 4 Key Ways to Integrate Patient-Generated Data into Trial
Digital health is not only changing the way patient data is collected in healthcare, but it is also disrupting the way the pharmaceutical industry gathers data from clinical trial participants. Download this eBook to learn 4 key ways pharmaceutical companies can leverage patient-generated data to implement a digital health strategy.

Reduced Risk and Faster Time to Market with Sigma Quality Hard Capsules
Over the past several decades, as the FDA has introduced a number of rapid tracks for drug approval, pharmaceutical companies looking to take advantage of those pathways have increasingly chosen hard capsules over other dosage forms. Download today!

Tracking Trends in Consumer Health Dose Formulation
Consumer preferences are helping to drive developments in the shapes, forms and dosages of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. At the same time, the need to drive down healthcare costs and increase efficacy—coupled with a favorable regulatory climate—is driving development of novel delivery technologies. Download today!

How Digital Technology is Revolutionizing Animal Health
Digital technologies are being developed to foster communication between veterinarians and the owners of the animals they serve. These new tools are designed not just for pet owners, but for farmers, too, and they promise to streamline healthcare in an industry that has long been fragmented and paper-based. Download today!

Addressing Development Challenges from Early Development Phase
Although many challenges arise once drugs are on the market, adherence has emerged as a major focus of scientists and developers. This eBook discusses topics including: tackling patient compliance, top-to-bottom drug design, making clinical trials more high-tech and more. Download today!

Navigating the Logistics of Global Clinical Trials
Over the past several decades, the number of clinical trials conducted outside of the United States has risen dramatically, as sponsors look to conduct trials in countries where they will likely be able to recruit patients more easily, with potentially less red tape and lower costs. Download today!

Executive Summary | How to Prepare Your Supply Chain for Emerging Markets’ Novel Challenges
Biopharma firms have moved quickly into emerging markets over the past 20 years. They have added manufacturing and clinical trial sites to their networks, while also gaining access to a new population of consumers. Yet such gains have come at a cost. Download today.

Healthcare Companies Capitalize on the New Mobile Health Climate
Toward the end of 2010, the agenda for a new one-day meeting called "Mobile Pharma" promised to "answer the age old question 'Is this finally the year of mobile?'" A few months later, Ernst & Young published a report that seemed to answer that question with a resounding "yes." Download this eBook to learn more!

Bringing a Small Molecule to Clinic: A Guide for Start-Up Development Programs
It's time to transition your molecule discovery to a commercial drug launch. This guide is your roadmap for arriving at your desired destination quickly and without making costly mistakes along the way. Download now.

Ending Stagnation: How Collaboration Tools are Enabling a New Era of R&D
Biopharma R&D, from drug discovery through to late-phase clinical trials, suffers from two fundamental, near industry-threatening problems: It is too slow and too expensive. Something has to change. Fortunately for the industry, tools and tactics that can shave time and money from drug development already exist. Download this eBook to learn more.

Biosimilars: Getting Cheaper Biologics to the Market
On March 6, 2015, 5 years after the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009 was signed into law, the FDA finally approved a biosimilar drug. Although the approval capped the FDA's years-long process to establish a pathway for biosimilars, experts question whether much has actually changed for the prospects of getting biosimilars to market in the U.S. Download this eBook to learn more.

Biopharma's Balancing Act: Information Access vs. Security and Compliance
Over the past few years a series of events have crystallized fears about data security into solid intel on real and significant threats against biopharma businesses. And yet, with biopharma globalizing and disaggregating, companies cannot afford to shut off from the world. This is the dilemma faced by biopharma CIOs in 2015. Download today!

What Do Customers Need in Oral Dose Development
Oral dose development is the goal of many drug developers. The translation of a drug-design concept to the delivered oral dose can be complicated, and understanding the needs of drug company clients, as well as patients and doctors, is a vital part of the process. Download this eBook to learn more.

New Technologies for Complex Oral Formulation and Drug Delivery Challenges
As the knowledge of the basic biology behind disease increases, and as drugs become more advanced, delivery challenges increase for oral and other formulations. Because of this, delivery solutions need to become more sophisticated and more effective. Download this eBook to learn more.

Targeting cancer treatments: A progress report
Throughout the history of cancer drug development, researchers have tried to make treatments more specific, reducing the side effects and increasing the efficacy. The next step in this process is the move towards therapies that are not only tailored to each individual, but that also target tumors and nothing else. Download this FierceBiotech eBook to learn more.

Analyzing Real-World Data for Lifecycle Management
Life used to be simpler for pharma commercialization teams. Once a drug won regulatory approval, the path to sales was relatively clear. Now a drug must prove to payers its value over existing treatments and continue to do so throughout its lifecycle. Download this FierceBiotech Special Report to learn more.

Special Report | The Changing Landscape of Phase IV Research
Industry spending on post-authorization studies belies the rapid changes occurring in Phase IV research, driven by an the demand for evidence of safety and effectiveness. Download this Special Report to learn how Phase IV research continues to transform.

Animal Health Leaders Embrace Biotech R&D
The presence of biotechs in the animal health industry is growing. Companies working in this industry are using biologic processes to develop large-molecule drugs and vaccines for both livestock and pets, and to improve techniques for research, development, and manufacturing. Download this eBook to learn more about the role biotechs play in the burgeoning animal health industry.

Cross-Contamination in Drug Manufacturing: The Regulatory Trends
Cross-contamination among production lines is an important issue in drug manufacturing, because it can put both patients and workers at risk of adverse health effects. As the global therapeutics markets grow and drugs become increasingly more potent, authorities in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere are tightening regulations to increase safety and control exposure. Download this eBook to learn more.

Optimizing Formulation Development: New HPMC Capsules Offer Expanded Options for Pharmaceutical Formulations
The evolution of technology in pharmaceutical and medical sciences has extended the range of polymers that are being developed to meet the demand for quality in capsule manufacturing. While they were initially targeted to the producers of vitamins and minerals, these plant-based capsules are now becoming an important option for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Download this eBook to learn more today!

Executive Summary | Veeva 2014 Paperless TMF Survey: An Industry Benchmark
FierceMarkets and Veeva Systems recently conducted a survey of more than 250 Trial Master File (TMF) owners to explore the impact of growing eTMF adoption as well as the drivers, benefits, and barriers to going paperless. The survey examines the success factors for fully electronic trials and gives an industry-wide view of where organizations fall on the spectrum of paper-based to paperless TMFs. Download this free Executive Summary today!

Next-Generation Orphan Drug Delivery
According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a disease is rare if it affects fewer than 200,000 Americans. There have been around 6,800 rare diseases defined so far, affecting around 30 million people in the US alone. Big Pharma used to ignore this segment of the market, but now developing orphan drugs to treat these rare diseases is an industry priority. Download this eBook today!

eBrief | Work Smarter: How Data and Informatics are Reshaping Post-Approval for Pharma
With all of pharma’s key markets rethinking reimbursement, the onus is on companies to find ways to deliver the evidence payers want. The rise of new sources of real-world data and the informatics capabilities to derive insights from the figures gives pharma a way to meet these demands. But to make the most of the information, the industry must re-think its practices. Download this eBrief today!

The Future of Animal Health
The current market for animal drugs and vaccines (not just dogs and cats) is worth $22 billion a year and growing. Add in the huge and growing market for livestock treatments and it's no surprise pharmaceutical companies are angling to find the ideal position in animal health. This FiercePharma eBook will survey the landscape in animal health and the potential growth opportunities for investors and life sciences entrepreneurs. Download this eBook today!

eBrief: Securing Clinical Documents in Cloud-Based Collaborations
Big pharma and biotech companies have undergone a series of consolidations, as internal research budgets continue to shrink. With much more at stake, the industry is evolving to embrace more collaborative, future-thinking tools that will not only save sponsors money, but that will also increase efficiency, expedite trials and help identify ineffective drugs sooner. Download this eBrief today!

Renal Biomarkers: Driving Drug and Diagnostic Development in Kidney Disease
Biomarkers have been used in the diagnosis and monitoring of kidney disease for many years. However, these are most effective in established disease, and by the time they detect injury, the damage may already be done. This ebook discusses the use of biomarkers in identifying susceptibility to kidney disease, using biomarkers to predict outcomes, as well as the limitations of existing biomarkers. Learn more.

New Drugs For Old: Failed Drugs Gaining a Second Chance
The cost of drugs that fail in clinical trials can be measured by far more than the cash poured into the development process. Now, through drug repositioning some of those investment costs can be recouped by giving drugs a second and often lower-risk chance in a new indication. Download this FierceBiotech ebook to learn key advantages and strategies of drug repositioning.

Picking Winners: Data Mining for Drug Discovery
There are several new initiatives being undertaken in the biopharmaceutical industry aimed at making better use of the vast terabytes of information flowing out of research labs around the world. This ebook discusses the intelligent application of analytics and informatics to enable drug hunters to better understand disease, pharmacological and clinical data. Download it today.

eBook | Next-Generation DNA Sequencing in the Clinic
There's no denying the power and promise of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) in the healthcare setting. Since 2005, when the first next-gen instruments hit the market, the field has exploded, and not surprisingly, companies have stepped in to fill unmet clinical needs. Here, we profile five businesses taking five different approaches to clinical NGS. Download today.

Bolstering Clinical Trials With Diagnostics
This year has brought a bevy of partnerships between diagnostics makers and drug companies seeking to target experimental drugs to clearly defined patient populations. Download this eBook to learn how personal medicine will develop in today's world and help the patients of tomorrow.

Your Peers Expect a VDR. What Are You Using?
While previously companies have kept their important paperwork in physical rooms, virtual data centers have recently become more popular. Download this ebook to learn how VDRs can make viewing classified documents safer and easier.

Collaborations in the Cloud
Cloud-based technologies are proving to be useful within the life sciences industry. Download this ebook to learn how pharma and biotech companies are embracing efforts toward accessible and secure information for research collaborations.

Single Use Technology: From Bioprocess Convenience to Drug-Development Driver
In order to accelerate the production of biological molecules, companies have been exploring disposable, single-use systems. Download this ebook to learn the impact and future use of single-use technologies, cost-saving opportunities, and challenges of implementing new drug development processes.

FierceBiotech Special Report | Foundations Fuel Risky Biotech Ventures
Non-profits are taking larger roles in funding clinical trials and research. With their primary goal being finding cures, rather than financial gain, the influx of non-profit research donations may help accelerate cures and advanced research. Download now.

Tablets for Trials: Will Mobile Tech Make Development More Efficient?
With the clinical trial model as flawed as it is, pharma companies are turning to mobile technology as a way to increase success rate and drive down costs. So, what, if anything, can tablets and smartphones do to improve drug development? Download now.

Patient-Centric Drug Formulation Principles: Formulating Drugs for Children and the Elderly
How are drug developers and doctors tailoring prescriptions to patients? FierceBiotech outlines the principles and strategies for patient-centric drug development. Learn More.

Conversations with World-Class Biotech Innovators
What elevates a researcher to the top of the industry? FierceBiotech profiled five prominent researchers and asked them how they garnered such success. Download for free today.

Special Report: China's Rise Drives Investment in Biotech Drugs
The Chinese government's devotion to biotech has sparked major expansion efforts by some of the country's leading pharmaceutical players, also making it fertile ground for venture capitalists in the U.S. Click here to download the complete report today.

Trends in Enterprise Content Management in BioPharma
This FierceBiotechIT eBook looks at how ECM has evolved, what the challenges to biopharma are, and how those challenges and obstacles are being met by a variety of ECM approaches. Download now.

Oral Drug Delivery Technologies: Tackling Clinical and Commercial Challenges
This FiercePharma eBook examines Big Pharma's need for technology to give new life to old drugs, and potentially deliver their next breakthrough medicines. This report covers some of the market opportunities, business strategies, and key innovations in the oral drug delivery field. Register Today!

Academic and Pharma Partnerships: Tapping the Ivory Tower for the Next Blockbuster
This FiercePharma eBook examines the changing relationship between Big Pharma and academia. Through interviews with both academic and corporate insiders, we gather perspectives from each side and address potential stumbling blocks. While there are pitfalls along the way, there is also great potential if the path can be navigated safely. Download today.

Including China in Drug Development Programs: Opportunities & Challenges
China’s market growth makes it an attractive target for biopharmaceutical development. FierceBiotech takes an in-depth look at both the opportunities and challenges that come with drug development in the world’s most populous country. Download PDF now.