

Vaccine: FluLaval
Company: GlaxoSmithKline
Approval Date: July 20
Protects Against: Influenza

GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) influenza vaccine, FluLaval, ranks second among the top-selling flu vaccines of 2012. The product brought in an estimated $375 million last year, second only to Sanofi Pasteur's Fluzone, which grossed about $1.34 billion. The product is approved for use in those 18 and older. For the 2012-2013 flu season--one that began early and is spreading quickly--GSK produced 20 million doses of the vaccine. So far, the company says it is not experiencing shortages. The FDA first granted approval of FluLaval back in 2006.

For more:
Special Report: Top 10 selling flu vaccines of 2012
FDA approves 6 flu vaccines
Flu vaccine, Tamiflu shortage as influenza sweeps U.S.

Special Report: Major FDA vaccine approvals of 2012