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With limited ACIP nod, U.S. universities take different approaches to Pfizer, GSK MenB jabs

The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has stopped short of recommending routine meningitis B immunization, leaving the decision to doctors and families whether young adults aged 16 to 23 should be vaccinated. Result? U.S. universities are taking varying approaches when it comes to MenB jabs and their students.

Pfizer, Novartis get MenB ACIP nod--but not the one they're really after

Pfizer and Novartis officially have a nod from the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for their recently approved meningitis B vaccines. Problem is, it doesn't cover nearly as large a population as the pharma giants would like.

Pfizer trumpets positive Trumenba data ahead of ACIP vote

Pfizer may have FDA approval for meningitis B vaccine Trumenba, but it can only take the jab so far without a nod from the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Now, though, it's got some positive new data on the shot just in time to help it make its case for one.