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Autistic behavior has genetic basis in mice

A new mouse model of autism adds to growing evidence that genetics is a strong factor, if not the strongest, driving the neural development disorder.

Autism argument again undermined by vaccine data

A lot of the current vitriol aimed at vaccines can be traced back to reports ofautism links in the 1990s. The association has remained lodged in the minds of many even as research has discredited the original paper, and consistently found no link between vaccines and autism.

Study: Asuragen's molecular Dx better at Fragile X detection

Asuragen is celebrating encouraging clinical data, suggesting one of its molecular diagnostic tests is better than existing standards of care in determining how likely a woman will have a child with Fragile X syndrome--a genetic cause of autism spectrum disorders and other intellectual disabilities.

SynapDx, Illumina ally to develop autism diagnostic tools

SynapDx is allying with gene sequencer Illumina to explore development of diagnostic tools for autism spectrum disorders and other "opportunities in neurodevelopment."

Researcher names protein as plausible autism biomarker

Researchers have yet to crack the code on how to predict whether an individual will develop autism. But Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine scientist Gary Steinman has uncovered a potential connection between autism and a growth protein that may shed some light on the subject.

Autism blood Dx might focus on fat metabolism marker

A team of Canadian and U.S. researchers believe they've come up with a possible blood test option for autism, something that could help spot a unique pattern of fat metabolism blood markers found in a sizeable minority of children with the disorder.

Genentech plucks rights to Afraxis drug assets in $187M deal

Primarily known for its work on Fragile X, a well-known autism target, Afraxis says that the giant Roche subsidiary will pay up to $187.5 million in milestones and an undisclosed upfront in order to develop the compounds for a "novel target."

Researchers inch toward biomarkers for autism

Autism spectrum disorders reportedly affect 1 in 88 people in the U.S., but there remain no reliable biomarkers to diagnose them in early stages. That's not for lack of effort, however, and the journal  Disease Markers  points out that researchers have made some progress in mapping the prevalent affliction.

U.N. contemplates ban on vaccine preservative

Concerns about a vaccine preservative long thought put to rest are roaring back to life as a United Nations program considers a worldwide ban on the additive.

SynapDx snags $6M for autism Dx study

SynapDx, a maker of a blood diagnostics test for autism spectrum disorders, nabbed $6 million in venture funding, enabling executives to proceed with a 600-patient prospective multicenter clinical study for the test.