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CDC reports across-the-board rises in flu vaccine uptake

While the government shutdown has cast doubt on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) ability to manage the upcoming flu season, officials can take some solace from last year's efforts. Flu vaccine uptake levels in adults, kids and health workers all trended upward last year.

Government shutdown forces CDC to halt seasonal flu program

Congress' failure to find a budget compromise and subsequent government shutdown has left CDC without the staff to carry out many of its functions, including the seasonal influenza program.

CDC director warns antibiotics pipeline 'nearly empty'

Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in the U.S. and elsewhere, and healthcare providers are running out of drugs in their arsenal to combat some pathogens, leaving patients vulnerable to dangerous infections, according to a new federal report.

GSK adding 2-D barcode to 4-in-1 flu vaccine packaging

GSK will begin adding 2-D barcodes to its Fluarix Quadrivalent 4-in-1 influenza vaccine, which the FDA cleared for shipping on Monday. Over the next 6 months GSK will add the barcode technology to the packaging of more vaccines.

CDC: U.S. 'dropping the ball' on HPV vaccinations

U.S. public health officials have fretted about low use of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines among adolescent girls for a few years, but rates were at least trending upwards. Now this slow rise has stalled, though, with the proportion receiving all three doses falling for the first time.

New data supports vaccinating gay men against HPV

A new paper has validated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2011 recommendation that males receive the HPV vaccine, particularly men who have sex with men, who are a higher risk group.

Study: Use of 2D barcodes could save healthcare $300M

A CDC-funded study published in Vaccine has tried to quantify just how much 2D barcoding technology could save healthcare systems. From 2011 and 2023, net economic benefits were forecasted to be $310 million to 334 million.

CDC finds vaccines halved HPV infections in teenage girls

In the furor over human papillomavirus vaccines in the U.S., whether they work has taken a backseat to sociopolitical concerns. Australia has reported positive results from its HPV shots campaign though, and now the U.S. has its own data to show the effectiveness of the vaccines.

CDC readies for 4-in-1 flu vaccines

Last winter the U.S. experienced a vicious flu season, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting new highs for pediatric mortality and hospitalizations of seniors. Now preparations for 2013-2014 are under way, with companies preparing the first quadrivalent shots.

CDC continues to build defenses in H7N9 lull

The H7N9 situation has quieted down since the early days of the outbreak. China switched from daily to weekly updates, and the number of new cases plateaued after live poultry markets were closed. Yet behind the scenes the U.S., China and others are continuing to ready defenses.