
celiac disease

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Amgen hands off an IL-15 drug--strings attached--for upstart effort on celiac disease

A week after first raising the flag on their newborn biotech, a pair of entrepreneurs unhatched a deal today to take down a drug program that has been gathering dust on Amgen's R&D shelves for the past 7 years and test it as a new treatment for celiac disease.

ImmusanT waits on early clinical data for its celiac disease vaccine

Over the past 20 years researchers have learned celiac disease is more common than previously thought and is linked strongly to genetic factors. This new knowledge led to the development of two theories--a vaccine for celiac disease can be created, and it could become a big seller.

AbbVie grabs rights to biotech startup's anti-gluten drug for $70M upfront

The pharma giant has secured rights to an experimental therapy for celiac disease from Alvine Pharmaceuticals for $70 million in upfront payments and the promise of more money down the road.

ImmusanT launches U.S. trial for celiac vax

Riding the wave of a successful Phase I trial down under and $20 million in VC funding, Massachusetts biotech ImmusanT has launched a clinical trial in the U.S. for Nexvax2, its experimental vaccine to treat celiac disease.

Early shots do not cause celiac disease

In Sweden, between 1984 and 1996, there was a four-fold increase in cases of celiac disease, and the rates then fell as quickly as they rose. A team of Swedish researchers looked at medical records to unpack whether there really was a cause and effect between changes in the vaccination patterns and the spike in disease.

Biotech vets back $22M A round for neuroscience startup

The former CEO of Alba Therapeutics, Blake Paterson, has put together a $22 million A round to launch his new biotech in Baltimore.

Microtest to manufacture ImmusanT's celiac vaccine

Microtest Laboratories will manufacture Nexvax2 for a mid-stage trial of ImmusanT's vaccine as a treatment for celiac disease. ImmunsanT secured $20 million in venture captial funding from Vatera

ImmusanT lands $20M for celiac vaccine work

ImmusanT has won a big round of venture capital for its work on a vaccine for celiac disease. Vatera Healthcare Partners is putting up $20 million to help support clinical development of Nexvax2. A

Cambridge, MA startup snags $20M for therapeutic vaccine program

After importing the IP for a new therapeutic vaccine that promises to desensitize celiac disease patients to the toxic effects of gluten, the newly established ImmusanT has rounded up $20 million

Celiac disease vax has positive Ph1 results

Sufferers from celiac disease may get a reprieve from their gluten-free diets thanks to a vaccine currently in Phase I trials. But the vaccine won't go into Phase II until next year at the earliest,
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