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Dendreon releases death-eaters into biotech sector stocks
Wednesday's Dendreon nightmare turned into Thursday's biotech bloodbath. Sector stocks posted "particularly steep losses," said RTT News, dragging down the NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index by 10.6% to
Dendreon's sudden fall from grace offers biotechs a tough lesson
Last year Dendreon was one of the biotech industry's leading examples of the kind of transformational change that can occur at a drug developer when it hangs on to U.S. rights to an innovative new
Dendreon, cancer drug developers top slate of buyout candidates
This summer's been somewhat tame on the biotech mergers front. It's lacked a blockbuster deal on par with Sanofi's buyout of Genzyme, reports of which began last summer and kept biotech reporters
Pioneering Dendreon CSO ponders biotech's innovation challenge
Few people in the biotech industry have the kind of long-term perspective that Dave Urdal has gained over the last 16 years as chief scientific officer of Dendreon. He spearheaded a lengthy,
Dendreon busts out of biotech with capacity boost
Dendreon say all three of its manufacturing plants should be online and shipping its prostate cancer vaccine by year's end. Provenge is the first vaccine approved for cancer treatment. The
Dendreon snags new leases as it blueprints swift expansion
Fast-growing Dendreon is snapping up new office space in Seattle. The developer, which has taken a lead role in marketing the new prostate cancer therapy Provenge, has lined up new leases for
Investors scour biotechs in search of the next big payoff
With investors cashing in on Genzyme's buyout investors are scouring the biotech landscape for new developers to back in hopes of making similar returns. Dow Jones polled a list of analysts, and some
Medicare panel backs Provenge
A Medicare advisory committee backed Dendreon's prostate cancer vaccine Provenge yesterday, thus increasing the chances federal insurance program will pay for the drug. The treatment costs $93,000 a
CMS: Data shows moderate support for Provenge use
All of the available data for Dendreon's Provenge prostate cancer vaccine shows 'moderate' support for its use, according to a government analysis. CMS, which meets with outside advisers next
Dendreon: Provenge on course to hit blockbuster goal
In the first three months following the FDA's approval of the revolutionary new prostate cancer vaccine Provenge, Dendreon was able to gin a mere $2.8 million in sales as it began to ramp up