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Pandemic offers AstraZeneca a blockbuster return
Anyone who still thinks that AstraZeneca paid too much when it offered a hefty premium for MedImmune's shares should check out a new report from Jefferies International, which estimates that the
Swine flu could be FluMist's moment
Swine flu could be MedImmune's watershed moment. The company says it's gearing up to produce about five times as much H1N1 flu vaccine as it had expected, the New York Times reports. With
MedImmune races ahead to deliver on H1N1 contracts
The U.S. has ordered 195 million doses of swine flu vaccine from five different developers. While many companies are reportedly having trouble growing enough of the H1N1 virus to produce ample doses
FluMist can't compete in flu vax study
FluMist just got a big thumb's down in a study reviewing vaccine response in more than a million U.S. soldiers. Looking over a period of three years, researchers found that the traditional
AZ seeks nasal flu vaccine approval
AstraZeneca's MedImmune submitted a new drug application in Europe to market its nasal spray flu vaccine, according to a company press release. The FDA approved the same nasal spray in 2003, which
SPOTLIGHT: Vaccine panel endorses FluMist for toddlers
MedImmune's FluMist was endorsed for children as young as 2 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which advises government health officials. The inhaled flu vaccine was approved for
CDC: Plenty of flu vaccine to go around
You know flu season's coming up when the media starts chanting about flu vaccines and flu remedies. So break out the tissue and fluids, because three big flu stories hit the news today. First, good
MedImmune gets green light for FluMist
Head 'em up, move 'em out. MedImmune says it's cleared up its FluMist manufacturing problems, just in time to ship the product for this year's flu season. The FDA had warned the company in May for