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U.S. pathogen team to locate in China CDC
A lack of collaboration and information-sharing aided the spread of SARS--with China coming in for criticism--and this experience reshaped how the world handles pandemic threats.
H7N9 shows resistance to Roche's Tamiflu
The strain of bird flu has shown resistance to Roche's antiviral Tamiflu for the first time.
CDC continues to build defenses in H7N9 lull
The H7N9 situation has quieted down since the early days of the outbreak. China switched from daily to weekly updates, and the number of new cases plateaued after live poultry markets were closed. Yet behind the scenes the U.S., China and others are continuing to ready defenses.
H7N9 may have evolved from four origins
Analysis of the genetics of H7N9 show the virus sweeping across China may have evolved from at least four origins.
Novartis expands cell culture site to bolster biodefense
The spread of H7N9 in China is a reminder of why the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gave Novartis $487 million to build its cell culture vaccine production plant. If H7N9 reaches the U.S., the country will be better prepared because of the investment.
China's response to H7N9 earns WHO praise
While Chinese officials faced some criticism for a perceived delay in announcing last month's H7N9 outbreak, positive sentiments from global health officials have far outweighed the negative comments, in sharp contrast to the SARS outbreak a decade ago.
China expects H7N9 vaccine in 7 months
China officially began a H7N9 research project this week and expects to have a vaccine ready in 7 months.