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Roche's bid to sub Kadcyla for Herceptin takes a big hit with lackluster PhIII data

Roche has been charting promising numbers for its standout breast cancer drugs Kadcyla and Perjeta. But now the next-gen duo has failed to beat Herceptin and chemo in a late-stage study, putting a damper on Roche's plan to expand the market for its new drugs and sending its shares into a downward spiral.

More heat applied to Genentech CEO for supply-chain decision on cancer drugs

Genentech CEO Ian Clark is again being publicly chastised for his company's decision to move three of its best-selling cancer drugs to specialty distributors. Groups representing more than 5,000 hospitals say, besides higher costs, the move is as likely to encourage counterfeiting as to deter it.

With Roche's Herceptin, green tea component doubles drug accumulation in cancer cells

A team from the Singapore-based Agency for Science, Technology and Research has found that a component of green tea has the potential to act as a nano-sized drug delivery vehicle to encapsulate proteins used to fight cancer.

Top 10 best-selling cancer drugs of 2013

When it comes to selling big, cancer drugs have a lot going for them. Their targets--deadly diseases that in many cases can kill quickly--put them in high demand, even as they continue to redefine...

Italian mafia at center of network that stole vials of Roche's Herceptin

European authorities recently warned that stolen vials of Roche's cancer med Herceptin were showing up across the continent, some containing little or no active ingredient. Now they say the thefts were not isolated incidents, but commissioned by an organized crime group in Italy.

Counterfeits of Roche's Herceptin found in EU supply chain

European authorities are warning that vials of Roche's cancer med Herceptin that were stolen in Italy are now showing up across the continent with little or none of its active ingredient.

EMA warns Herceptin vials stolen in Italy spreading through EU

Vials of Roche's cancer med Herceptin that were stolen in Italy are now showing up in other places in Europe, leading the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue an alert and Herceptin maker Roche to recall all of the batches from which the stolen drugs came.

Hospira wins Herceptin patent suit in U.K., paving way for biosim

Hospira is one step closer to selling a Herceptin biosimilar in Britain. The U.S.-based drugmaker persuaded a U.K. court to overturn two Roche patents on the drug. And that means, as of now, Herceptin (trastuzumab) could be open to biosim competition when its main patent expires July 28.

The 10 best-selling drugs of 2013

It is the big sellers, the blockbusters--no, megablockbusters--that drug execs aspire to develop. And a look at the top 10 best-selling drugs globally can't help but impress with its big numbers.

UPDATED: Roche legal action messes with Mylan's India launch of its Herceptin biosimilar

Last year, Roche appeared to throw in the towel on its breast cancer drug Herceptin in India when it said it would not defend the patent there. But it has come back out swinging with a court action that has messed with this week's launch of a biosimilar from Mylan.