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Pfizer completes acquisition of two GSK meningitis vaccines
In a move to ease antitrust concerns ahead of its multibillion-dollar asset swap with Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline announced in June that it would sell two of its mature meningitis jabs to Pfizer.
CDC panel disappoints Pfizer, GSK with limited backing for meningitis B shots
The CDC's Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices gave the go-ahead for wider use of meningitis B vaccines, but stopped short of a universal recommendation, not the result many--including GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer--were hoping to see.
ACIP gives Glaxo, Pfizer a lukewarm decision for new meningitis B vaccines
The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted on Wednesday to expand its recommendation for meningitis B vaccines, but it wasn't the broad recommendation that many were hoping to see.
Pfizer to acquire GlaxoSmithKline meningitis vaccines for $130M
In a move to allay antitrust concerns, GlaxoSmithKline is selling two of its meningitis vaccines to Big Pharma peer Pfizer. The move comes after Glaxo acquired the bulk of Novartis' vaccines portfolio, which catapulted it to the No. 1 spot in the global vaccines market.
Sanofi seeks the next Teenage Idol in meningitis vaccine campaign
Only about 30% of teens receive a second meningitis shot at age 16 as recommended by the CDC, and for vaccine maker Sanofi Pasteur, that's a problem. But the French drugmaker is hoping it can change that, and to do so, it's teaming up with a teen idol.
England to provide GSK MenW vaccine to 3 million teens
England has decided to offer meningitis W vaccination to three million teens after a steep rise in cases--and local vaccine giant GlaxoSmithKline will be reaping the benefits.
Pfizer, Novartis: CDC's MenB nod is too narrow
Pfizer and Novartis have snagged a nod from the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for their recently approved meningitis B vaccines. There's just one problem: It doesn't cover nearly as large a population as the pharma giants would like.
WHO approves MenAfriVac for routine infant immunization in sub-Saharan Africa
The affordable meningitis A vaccine, MenAfriVac, has been given to millions of people in Africa's so-called "meningitis belt," and is about to be administered to even more. The World Health Organization approved the shot, previously approved for people aged one to 29, for use in the routine immunization of infants less than one year old in sub-Saharan Africa.
FDA approves Sanofi's Menactra as meningococcal booster
The new nod could boost sales of the French drugmaker's vaccine, a lift it could use after Menactra's top-line haul in 2013 sank to €424 million in a 21.5% slide.
Pfizer, Novartis square off for tussle in meningitis vaccine market
Pfizer and Novartis have been racing to get their meningitis B vaccines to market for years. But as of Tuesday, the contest has never been closer, with both companies submitting approval applications to the FDA. Now, it's up to the agency to decide which shot gets the green light first--and first crack at the wide-open patient pool that comes with it.