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NIH readies $248M program for electroceuticals

Nature  reports that the NIH will soon unveil a $248 million to develop new 'electroceuticals,' therapeutic implants that can treat disease by stimulating nerves.

NIH aiming to lower IT barriers to 3D printing in drug research

Evangelists of 3-D printing tip the technology to reshape organ transplants, orthopedics and multiple other areas of medicines, with Johnson & Johnson among the companies trying to turn hype into reality. And now the National Institutes of Health has joined the sector, adding a 3-D model creation service to help drug researchers who lack computing skills.

How clinically useful is genome sequencing? Not very, yet

An estimated 10,000 genomes and exomes will be sequenced this year in a clinical setting. But all that data only leads to a diagnosis about a quarter of the time. This testing is most useful for patients with rare disorders that result from variants in a single gene, according to a new paper published in the  New England Journal of Medicine  from two NIH scientists.

Report: $4.5B needed for BRAIN project through 2025

An NIH advisory group is recommending a $4.5 billion budget for the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative over the next 12 years.

BRAIN working group details role of modeling in $4.5B neuroscience plan

The importance of computing power to the BRAIN Initiative has been clear since President Obama unveiled the plan last year. Each update since then has reiterated the role of technology, with the latest document from the BRAIN working group giving a more detailed picture of how computer modeling could enable the project.

NIH gives Venter's genomics institute $25M to decode infectious disease

NIH has signed on to give the J. Craig Venter Institute $25 million over 5 years to study infectious diseases including influenza and malaria, working to spotlight new treatments.

NIH advisory committee calls for $4.5B in BRAIN Initiative funding

Amid growing interest in neural implants and other devices to treat neurological disorders like epilepsy, a National Institutes of Health advisory committee has recommended funding for President Obama's brain research initiative be quadrupled to $4.5 billion spread over the next decade.

NIH lays out up to $20B in IT spending over coming decade

With the U.S. National Institutes of Health's current IT procurement contract ending in November, the agency has laid out its successor: a 10-year contract for laptops, servers and other equipment and services worth up to $20 billion.

NIH lays out plan to work exome data into clinical research

Having seen the cost of exome sequencing tumble in recent years, the U.S. National Institutes of Health has decided now is the time to jump-start its genomic medicine program. The upshot is more clinical research programs will soon have access to exome sequencing capabilities and NIH support with management of the resulting data.

High protein levels linked to cell death in Parkinson's

Researchers may have discovered how a genetic mechanism in a common cause of Parkinson's works to destroy brain cells in patients--a finding that could help scientists develop new therapies for the devastating disease.