
pancreatic cancer

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U.K. researchers report big immunotherapy flop for long-sought cancer vaccine

Not all the immunotherapies have impressed at ASCO in Chicago. A large Phase III study of the immunotherapy GV1001 showed an insignificant difference in overall survival between pancreatic cancer patients treated with the experimental treatment and those taking standard chemotherapy.

Outspoken doctor's pancreas study prompted FDA's new diabetes-drug probe

Inconclusive data, confounding variables, as-yet-unreplicated results--they're all reasons critics have dismissed a link between incretin mimetics, a class of diabetes drugs including blockbusters Januvia and Byetta, and pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatitis or cancer? Mayo Clinic says mutated gene points the way

Diagnosing the difference between pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis is difficult because both conditions produce similar symptoms such as inflammation. But Mayo Clinic scientists say they've discovered a biomarker that will help make the job much easier down the line.

Boston Scientific launches stent study for pancreatic cancer surgery

Boston Scientific enrolled its first patient in a study of its self-expanding WallFlex Biliary RX Stent to broaden the indication of the device for the purposes of draining bile before pancreatic cancer surgery.

New therapeutic target found for pancreatic cancer

Researchers at New York University's School of Medicine have discovered how pancreatic tumor cells feed themselves to grow and survive, uncovering new possible therapeutic target to treat the notoriously deadly type of cancer.

U.K. crew pursues DNA for early pancreatic cancer Dx

Researchers in the U.K. are taking up the task of developing a diagnostic that can detect pancreatic cancer much earlier than doctors are able to at the moment.

Bacteria deliver radioactive drugs to treat pancreatic cancer

To combat pancreatic cancer, notable for its staunch resistance to many treatments, researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York's Yeshiva University have turned to living bacteria that can deliver radioactivity directly to tumor cells.

Radioactive bacteria treatment stops metastasis in mice

A therapy derived from a weakened version of a deadly kind of bacteria reduced metastasis of pancreatic cancer in mice with no obvious ill effects, according to a new study.

Dx approach offers chance to spot pancreatic cancer earlier

With a five-year survival rate of less than 5%, pancreatic cancer is aggressive, deadly and an all-but-certain death sentence, in part because it is usually metastasized before doctors spot it. Japanese scientists have come up with a blood test that would screen for certain metabolites to help detect the disease earlier than current diagnostics allow, and potentially boost those survival odds.

FDA scrutinizing Merck's Januvia, BMS' Byetta

The FDA is taking a closer look at the increased risk of Type 2 diabetics getting pancreatic cancer from the popular drugs like Merck's blockbuster Januvia and Byetta from Bristol-Myers Squibb.