
personalized medicine

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Mohr Davidow's Siegel tapped to run $6B GE health tech initiative

An expert in tech platforms and molecular diagnostics, Siegel brings considerable experience in the personalized medicine field to the task.

Biovest makes a move on the EU market with BiovaxID

Biovest International's stock has risen by 15% on two pieces of news about its personalized cancer vaccine for the treatment of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, BiovaxID.

Cancer drug experts brace for ASCO abstract dump tonight

ASCO is releasing a mountain of data on cancer studies, and some of the biggest names in the business will be angling for star billing on some closely watched therapies.

Third Rock's Levin calls for teamwork in personalized medicine

Personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize biotech and pharma, but only if stakeholders work together, Levin said.

Targeted therapies need cost-effective biomarkers

Biomarker discovery and development are driving the development of targeted therapies, particularly in cancer, and these need companion tests to ensure that only the people with the right markers (and therefore the people who are most likely to benefit) are treated. But what does it cost?

Genomic Health, OncoMed to pursue companion diagnostics

Genomic Health and OncoMed Pharmaceuticals have an agreement to identify new biomarkers useful for future companion diagnostics that would go along with OncoMed's cancer drugs now in development.

New DCVax-L brain cancer vaccine trial starts enrolling

Another site in the U.S. has begun recruiting for a Phase II clinical trial of Northwest Biotherapeutics' DCVax-L personalized brain cancer vaccine for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme.

'Landmark' study splits breast cancer into 10 types

A recent study has used genetic biomarkers to split cancer up into 10 types based on clusters of genes.

Diagnostics startups Vivia, Molecular Detection raise millions

Startups Vivia Biotech in Spain and Molecular Detection in the U.S. have nailed down new funding toward advancing clinical trials and ongoing product development.

UPDATED: Biopharma lobby members pumped $49.5B into R&D

As the pharma industry rethinks the way it brings new drugs to market, drugmakers around the world haven't backed down from their multibillion-dollar research budgets.