
prostate cancer

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Amino acid IDs prostate cancer, could be new use for Sanofi ALS drug

A test for serum glutamate, a naturally occurring amino acid in the blood, could be a new and less-invasive way to measure the aggressiveness of prostate cancer, according to new research from Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI).

Prostate cancer genetic 'bar codes' predict aggressiveness

In two separate papers published in The Lancet Oncology, researchers have found two gene signatures, or "bar codes," that can predict how severe and aggressive prostate cancer could become, potentially improving accuracy of diagnosis and prognosis and supporting treatment decisions. They could potentially be used alongside the existing prostate-specific antigen test.

Markers flag impotence risk after prostate cancer treatment

Genetic markers found by New York City researchers that could flag patients most at risk of erectile dysfunction after radiotherapy for prostate cancer may help doctors pick the best treatment for their patients.

Study: MRI use could enhance prostate cancer care

MRI screening may be quite useful in managing prostate cancer patients and preventing overtreatment in the process.

Software magnate sinks $104M into vaccine research

CureVac, a biotech company pushing therapeutic cancer vaccines into Phase IIb studies, landed a cool $104 million from German multibillionaire Dietmar Hopp's investment group, dievini Hopp BioTech Holding.

Respiratory virus tried as targeted cancer treatment

Researchers from the University of Texas are heralding a childhood virus that causes respiratory infections in infants and young children as a targeted cancer treatment.

Gene tags prostate cancer in African Americans

By finding a link between prostate cancer and the IL-16 gene in African American men, researchers have confirmed another potential marker for this.

Drug-biomarker combo pinpoints prostate cancer

Recent research published in The Journal of Urology suggests that combining drug treatment with the PSA biomarker could raise screening accuracy, particularly in men with hard to diagnose disease whose cancer might otherwise be missed.

Prostate gene deficit could boost tumor growth

Levels of a gene that helps the prostate to develop in the growing embryo could be used as a biomarker in prostate cancer, according to research carried out at the University of Edinburgh (U.K.), and sponsored by the charity Prostate Cancer UK.

Genetic tags could cut prostate biopsies

The diagnosis of prostate cancer can involve repeat biopsies, particularly in men who have had a negative result. A genetic test developed at Wake Forest University School of Medicine could cut the need for these unpleasant and invasive repeat tests, reducing pain, anxiety and inconvenience for patients and cutting the risk of infection, as well as freeing time and budgets for healthcare providers.