prostate cancer
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The magnetic attraction of blood biomarkers
Dutch researchers are using magnetic nanoparticles to detect cancer biomarkers.
Nuclea Bio hunts prostate markers
Nuclea Biotechnologies, a Massachusetts-based biomarker company, is collaborating with the Stratton VA Medical Center and Albany Research Institute to seek out prostate cancer biomarkers.
Prostate cancer vaccine teams up with antibody
Sometimes, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, and this can be true for cancer therapies as well. Researchers are hoping that combining Prostvac, the investigational therapeutic cancer...
Curcumin, in Indian curry spice, may beat down prostate tumors
An Indian curry spice contains an element that appeared to help slow the growth of prostate cancer cells in both a petri dish and in mice. But rather than encouraging men to eat mounds of pungent but
Urine biomarker spots aggressive prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is very common, but it is often slow growing and symptom-free. So, for many men, the best policy is 'watch and wait'. However, a proportion of prostate cancers turn out to be
Walnuts slow prostate cancer tumor growth in mice
Walnuts, of all things, may help slow the growth of prostate cancer. Scientists at the University of California, Davis and the USDA Western Regional Research Center in Albany, CA, conducted the study
Nanotech penetrates prostate cancer cells armed with chemo drugs
A team of Massachusetts researchers has figured out how to arm nanotech with chemotherapy drugs and successfully target it to hit prostate cancer cells, which absorbed the package well. Brigham and
Treatment for aggressive form of prostate cancer may be on horizon
A drug tested unsuccessfully in patients with prostate cancer may actually benefit patients who suffer from neuroendocrine prostate tumors, a particularly lethal form of the disease. Weill Cornell
Ziopharm goes organic for potential prostate cancer treatment
Ziopharm Oncology ($ZIOP) says it has generated preclinical data showing that a novel form of arsenic--a poison spoken of in gothic murder mysteries--can successfully fight the growth of prostate
Study: 40% of cancers stem from viruses
While the cancer-virus link is nothing new, researchers previously believed only 20% of cancers were virus-caused. Now a new study has found that up to 40% of cancers could originate in a viral