prostate cancer
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PSA testing has no survival benefit, task force says
PSA testing has come under fire in recent years due to alleged overdiagnosis of prostate cancer cases, and a new recommendation from the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) may raise even
Fred Hutch sequencing project unveils key triggers for prostate cancer
Some researchers at the prestigious Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center allied with scientists at the University of Washington have helped illustrate just how significant sequencing can be for
Microdevice spots marker for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer becomes deadly when it spreads to other organs, leading scientists at the University of California Santa Barbara to develop a new method of tracking down a marker found on the surface
NIH awards $500,000 to various miRNA biomarker studies
GenomeWeb updates us on a few biomarker projects that have attracted the attention, and funding, of the National Institutes of Health, which gave them a combined total of about $500,000. They all
Scientists look at DNA action for prostate cancer diagnosis
Prostate cancer patients suffer from inaccurate screening methods and an inability to accurately predict tumor progression. As a result, many men have undergone needless biopsies or "overtreatment"
Partnership searches for better prostate cancer biomarker
Most prostate cancer cases in patients who have been screened for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) fall into a kind of "gray zone," where it is extremely difficult to predict outcomes at the time of
Genetic markers identify those who need urgent prostate-cancer treatment
A recent discovery of 5 genetic markers for the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer brings hope that a simple blood test could someday distinguish between prostate cancer patients who need
DNA biomarker could complement PSA in prostate cancer diagnosis
Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is the best biomarker available for prostate cancer detection, but it is far from perfect--sometimes leading to unnecessary biopsies. Researchers in Cincinnati
Gold nanoparticles detect PSA for breast cancer
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has long been the best biomarker available for early detection of prostate cancer, despite problems with over-diagnoses and false positives. As it turns out, the PSA
Univ of Leeds cancer vax approach shows promise in study
Researchers at the University of Leeds and the Mayo Clinic have developed an immunotherapeutic vaccine that has shown promising results for curing prostate cancer in mice. But Reuters notes that