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Illumina teams with AB Sciex to add proteomics apps to BaseSpace
Illumina has teamed up with AB Sciex to add proteomic data analysis capabilities to its BaseSpace platform. As a result of the collaboration, Illumina is hosting four apps for processing, analyzing and visualizing proteomics mass spectrometry data on BaseSpace.
GSK teams up to apply Big Data to target validation
The combination of genomics and bioinformatics expertise now needed for target validation has led drugmakers to look outside their walls for skills, with Pfizer teaming with the Broad Institute on such a project. Now GlaxoSmithKline has set up its own initiative and called for its Big Pharma peers to get involved.
New tech promises to speed up biomarker validation
Researchers often struggle to validate their cancer biomarker findings due to a lack of reproducible methods to measure predictive proteins. Now, investigators believe they've discovered a way to measure the entire human repertoire of proteins.
Applied Proteomics bags $28M round to roll out colon cancer test
San Diego's Advanced Proteomics is gearing up to launch its first diagnostic tests, and now the company has $28 million to get it there thanks to a just-closed Series C.
Protein biomarkers: Here's a view from Sweden
Ulf Landegren, professor of molecular medicine at Uppsala University and vice chair of the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), spoke with FierceBiomarkers at the BBMRI.se HandsOn: Biobanks meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, giving a taste of his views and his work in protein biomarkers. Here is a snapshot of the conversation.
Human Protein Atlas supports biomarker interpretation
The Human Protein Atlas aims to explore the whole of the human proteome using antibody-based proteomics.
Alzheimer's disease blood test comes ever closer
Researchers from across the U.S. have identified a number of blood biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease, and used the multicenter Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADIN) as a resource to confirm their results in a larger group of people.
Urine proteomics could pinpoint diabetic nephropathy
German clinical proteomics company Mosaiques Diagnostics, along with researchers from Australia and Europe, is looking at using proteomics to create a urine test to spot diabetic nephropathy, a progressive kidney disease that is a complication of long-term diabetes.
Biomarkers spot hep C liver disease
Researchers from the University of Oxford and the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford (U.K.) have found a panel of biomarkers that could reduce or even eliminate the need for tissue sampling in liver disease caused by hepatitis C.
Developing proteomic signatures focus pancreatic cancer therapy
Biodesix, a Boulder, CO-based company developing diagnostics based on mass spectrometry technology, has found a proteomic signature after its analysis of a clinical trial of GlobeImmune's GI-4000 cancer vaccine in pancreatic cancer.