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Bharat's $1 rotavirus vaccine rolls out in India to challenge GSK, Merck

Back in 2011, Indian company Bharat Biotech pledged to offer its rotavirus prospect at a price that undercut even discounted vaccines from GlaxoSmithKline and Merck. Now, it's ready to make good on its promise.

Sanofi takes rotavirus vax into Phase III with eye on Indian market

India's rotavirus vaccines market is headed for a shake-up, and Sanofi's angling to get in on the action. It got one step closer this week, with its Indian affiliate commencing Phase III clinical trials for its own investigational vaccine.

Merck's RotaTeq, Glaxo's Rotarix cut hospitalizations by up to 94%

Rotavirus vaccines RotaTeq and Rotarix from Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, respectively, have seen uptake grow over the past several years. And with good reason, a new study shows: As the vaccines have become more widespread, the number of children hospitalized for rotavirus-related diarrhea has plunged.

Computer model can boost child vaccination rates while cutting costs

Software developed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and Johns Hopkins University has helped the Republic of Benin in West Africa deliver more vaccines to children most in need, according to a new study.

CDC finds rare cases of nurses injecting GSK's and Merck's oral rotavirus vaccines

The U.S. childhood immunization schedule is overwhelmingly made up of injectables. Yet in among the vaccines for measles, mumps and other diseases are two orally delivered products--GlaxoSmithKline's and Merck's rotavirus vaccines. The rarity of oral vaccines means providers have less experience delivering them, but does this mean there are more errors?

CDC, FDA studies link Merck and GSK rotavirus vaccines to bowel blockages

Merck's rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq has faced close scrutiny since winning FDA approval in 2006, with authorities monitoring whether it shares side effects with a similar Wyeth product that was pulled from the market. Now a FDA-funded study has shown RotaTeq is linked to the side effect, but the benefits outweigh the risks.

Herd immunity from GSK, Merck vaccines cutting hospitalizations

A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team has found a significant decrease in the number of rotavirus-related hospitalizations with routine use of GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) and Merck's ($MRK) rotavirus vaccines in older age groups.

Takeda tackling norovirus in bid to grow vaccine biz

Norovirus has replaced rotavirus as the most common cause of acute infectious gastroenteritis in children in the U.S., a testament to the success of GlaxoSmithKline and Merck vaccines in stopping the spread of rotavirus. Development of a shot for norovirus is lagging behind, though.

Indian rotavirus vax set to undercut GSK and Merck

Having committed to offering its rotavirus vaccine--Rotavac--for $1 a dose in 2011, Indian vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech has now presented positive Phase III data that compares favorably to currently available rotavirus vaccines.

GSK's rotavirus vaccine selected for British program

British health officials selected GlaxoSmithKline's Rotarix vaccine for the country's first routine rotavirus immunization program.