
Vaccine Development

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10 promising therapeutic vaccines 2012

This FierceVaccines special report spotlights 10 promising therapeutic vaccines on their way through clinical development that might just change the face of cancer treatment. Many of them are in the early steps of R&D;, so it may be a while, especially for those that are first-in-class, or that are bringing a new technology to the table, but they could be the first baby steps to a brave new world.

China preps for big push into vaccine market

After years of supplying shots to those within its own borders, China-based vaccine makers are preparing to compete with Western rivals for a slice of the $25.3 billion worldwide vaccine market. In...

WHO receives $10.4M in grants

In an effort to stave off future pandemic flu outbreaks, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has awarded $10.4 million in

AFFiRiS readies Alzheimer's vax for PhII study

Austria's AFFiRiS AG is moving its lead Alzheimer's vaccine into a Phase II study that will test just how valuable the GlaxoSmithKline-partnered therapy is against a primary target in the fight

Pharma turns to small developers for vax tech

Paul Bogorad at Putnam Associates is bullish about the vaccine business. Reviewing the now familiar story line about Big Pharma's embrace of vaccines after years of neglect, Mass High Tech relates

Syntiron, Sanofi-Pasteur to team up on MRSA vax

Minnesota biotech start-up Syntiron has inked a $149 million licensing deal with Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi-Aventis. The partners plan to develop a vaccine against bacteria that

HHS vows to upgrade U.S. vaccine technology

The swine flu pandemic is likely to have a long-term impact on the U.S. government's strategy for dealing with outbreaks. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is vowing to make sure that the next pandemic

Texas firm launches experiments to space

A NASA space shuttle is carrying a series of experiments being conducted by Astrogenetix to discover vaccines against a number of diseases--including those caused by methicillin-resistant

Pfizer spreads vaccine R&D; in post-merger shakeup

The R&D; upheaval now underway at the newly merged operations of Pfizer and Wyeth will leave a number of research facilities involved in vaccine work. Wyeth's complex in Collegeville, PA--which

Big Pharma maps out a global vaccine strategy

Novartis' announcement earlier this week that it is snapping up an 85 percent interest in China's Zhejiang Tianyuan Bio-Pharmaceutical Company underscores Big Pharma's appetite for a big slice of the
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