
vaccine safety

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India to expand use of pentavalent vaccine after safety thumbs-up

The outcry in India over the safety of the pentavalent vaccine sparked the Supreme Court and government committees to look into deaths that have occurred following immunization. This week, one committee reported the vaccine is safe, and another recommended a scale-up of the immunization program.

Study reconfirms safety of flu vaccine in pregnant women

Research in the journal  Obstetrics and Gynecology  found that 74,000 pregnant women who received a flu shot, in any trimester, were no more likely to experience pregnancy complications.

Shingles shot safe and well-tolerated, study finds

Shingles can lead to post-herpetic pain and other issues in older people, and the vaccine, which halves the chance of severe attacks of shingles, is safe and well-tolerated in this group, a new study finds.

Merck's RotaTeq not linked with bowel problems

In the past, vaccines against rotavirus, an infection causing severe diarrhea, have been linked with serious bowel problems and blockages in infants, but a large-scale study of over three-quarters of

IOM: Vaccines cause very few side effects

The IOM has conducted an exhaustive survey of almost 1,000 research studies and concluded that vaccines are tied to very few and usually mild side effects. The expert panel examined 8 common

Japan: No link between child deaths, vaccines

Japanese experts have determined that four child deaths were not vaccine-related. Ministry officials suspended the two vaccines--Pfizer's meningitis and pneumonia preventive Prevenar (known as

Report: Higher income parents increasingly forgoing kids' vaccinations

Vaccination rates for children insured by commercial plans declined roughly four percentage points between 2008 and 2009. And experts fear that if this trend continues, the public's health could be

Parents still want more vaccine safety research

When it comes to vaccines and children, often repeated myths continue to pass for truth among many parents. Despite widespread debunking of research that showed a link between vaccines and autism,

FDA warns on possible safety issue with GSK's Rotarix

The FDA has raised a red safety flag on GlaxoSmithKline's rotavirus vaccine Rotarix. The agency is reporting that preliminary data from a new study indicates that the vaccine could raise the risk of

Panels in U.S., U.K. issue opposite rulings in vax-autism cases

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has upheld a special vaccine court's decision denying a link between vaccines and autism in the case of Michelle Cedillo. Her parents had been
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