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GlaxoSmithKline forges ahead with hunt for Chinese vaccine partners

GlaxoSmithKline may be suffering through a corruption scandal in China, but that hasn't interfered with its plans to team up with a Chinese company on vaccines. Its talks with potential partners are still on track, Christophe Weber, GSK's vaccines chief, told Bloomberg.

Sanofi starts producing dengue vax in effort to keep lead in lucrative space

The French drugmaker is believed to have the lead candidate in the race for the badly needed vaccine and is making it known that it has started up production so it can have the potential blockbuster ready to go, assuming it gets approval in the next two years.

No link between vaccines and Guillain-Barré in big study

Alleged links between vaccines and the nerve-degenerative disorder Guillain-Barré are among vaccine safety fears. A new study shows that any link between them is not strong enough to outweigh the benefits of vaccines.

GSK malaria vaccine's effectiveness dwindles rapidly in study

The experimental immunization stopped working in children by the fourth year after administration, a new study found.

Parents' worries raise hurdles for Merck, GlaxoSmithKline HPV shots

Merck and GlaxoSmithKline have some persuading to do. A growing share of U.S. parents say they won't vaccinate their daughters against human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer. And that leaves Merck's Gardasil and GSK's Cervarix with a shrinking market.

India vaccine makers see China undercutting them

The World Health Organization gave Indian vaccine makers a shot in the arm by approving the industry to supply vaccines to international bodies such as it and UNICEF.

Combating HIV: The future of therapeutic vaccines

HIV patients rely on a bevy of drugs to keep their illness under control, sticking to a strict regimen to maintain health. But let's face it: Adherence is a challenge and drug side effects can be rough. Enter HIV therapeutic vaccines. Read more >>

Virus found in dogs may fuel new vaccines

A virus found in man's best friend may offer a platform for developing a potent human vaccine.

Novartis vaccines get booster shot with EMA nod for Bexsero

Novartis' struggling vaccine unit got a shot in the arm today when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended for approval, Bexsero, its potential blockbuster vaccine for meningitis B.

In search of a lasting flu vaccine

Every flu season, doctors and pharmacists must stock up on the latest influenza vaccine to offer patients. Unlike other vaccines that provide decades worth of protection, the flu vaccine needs to be administered every year. But researchers are looking to change this.