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Novartis' meningitis B vaccine aces study en route to market

The remaining type of meningitis for which no vaccine exists has finally met its match. In a study backed by Novartis ($NVS), researchers found the Swiss drug giant's experimental vaccine, dubbed...

What's Bill Gates' prescription for Big Pharma?

Bill Gates may be one of the richest businessmen in the world, but what does he know about pharma? Plenty, it turns out, given his family foundation has been so focused on getting vaccines to the

10 Promising Therapeutic Vaccines

Scientists have long figured it would be possible to induce the immune system to attack tumors and fight diseases, but decades of work haven't yielded much--until now. FierceVaccines spotlights some

Gardasil wins an HPV cost-effectiveness match-up

The U.K.'s penchant for cost-effectiveness study has lit upon human papillomavirus vaccines. Health Protection Agency researchers compared GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix shot with Merck and Sanofi's

HPV vax uptake grows, but not fast enough for CDC

HPV vaccination isn't catching on in the U.S. as well as public health officials--not to mention manufacturers--had hoped. Less than half of teenage girls have received even one dose of a vaccine

Perry-for-president disavows HPV vax mandate

Texas Gov. Rick Perry courted controversy 6 years ago with an executive order mandating that 6th-grade girls get an anti-HPV shot. Perry withstood catcalls from conservative lawmakers and voters, not

Hawaii Biotech rises from Chapter 11

One year after selling its dengue vaccine research, Hawaii Biotech has come out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company filed for reorganization protection back in December 2009. "This is a significant

GSK, Merck lead vaccine price cuts for GAVI

Vaccine makers are pledging big price cuts for developing nations as officials gather to determine how they can pay to protect children around the world from disease. GlaxoSmithKline has promised to

Intercell pulls Ixiaro batch on potency questions

Austria's Intercell has recalled a batch of its only marketed product, a vaccine against Japanese encephalitis, because of possible potency problems, Reuters reports. The shot, Ixiaro, has been sold

Report: GSK mulls deal for India vaccines unit

GlaxoSmithKline is reportedly eyeing the vaccines division of India's Biological E. Already a leading vaccines supplier in India, GSK would gain greater manufacturing capacity in a BE vaccines