World Health Organization
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WHO seeks to ease cholera vaccine shortage with EuBiologics approval
In a move aimed at doubling the world's cholera vaccine supply, the World Health Organization has given its nod to South Korean's EuBiologics to provide vaccines under its prequalification program.
WHO meeting could change strain selection for flu vaccines
Health officials and experts will discuss ways to improve global surveillance of the flu and expedite the selection process for which flu strains to include in the vaccine each year.
Philips to launch pneumonia Dx wearable to prevent child deaths in poorer countries
Almost one million childhood deaths are attributed to pneumonia annually, leading UNICEF to issue a call in 2011 for product innovation to create a respiratory monitor. Now, Royal Philips is almost ready to launch its Children's Automated Respiration Monitor that is designed to address those needs.
GSK's malaria vaccine hits roadblock as WHO recommends pilot projects
The World Health Organization is throwing a roadblock in GlaxoSmithKline's plans to roll out its malaria vaccine, dubbed RTS,S or Mosquirix, by calling for the vaccine to be used in pilot projects before a widespread campaign. Such pilot projects can take up to 5 years to complete.
FT counts 39 plants banned in India as regulatory woes mount for drugmakers
A hard drumbeat of U.S. FDA complaints against more than two dozen companies in India for quality violations has affected 39 drugmaking facilities, creating an avalanche of remedial work that could take years and is steadily driving up medicine costs in the United States.
Another Indian firm draws WHO notice on testing, manufacturing concerns
Indian company Svizera Labs has drawn a rebuke from the World Health Organization (WHO) for flawed manufacturing standards and testing procedures of tuberculosis drugs made for export to developing countries, the latest in a string of regulatory rebukes facing drugmakers in the country.
Early trends from India survey show TB drug resistance rates less than WHO estimates
Early trends from India's first survey on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis showed a lower rate of infections than World Health Organization estimates in findings that will help shape the government's treatment focus, the Indian Express newspaper reports.
More trouble for India's CROs as Quest Life Sciences hauled up by WHO in HIV trial
Indian CRO Quest Life Sciences of Chennai saw the results of a clinical trial of HIV drugs rejected by the World Health Organization after an inspection found poor clinical practices on data and bioanalytical procedures that could not be remediated, according to a letter from the Geneva-based United Nations body.
Vietnam gets official WHO nod as global vaccine supplier
The World Health Organization has officially named Vietnam as the fifth country in the Western Pacific region to meet requirements to produce vaccines for the global market, with reports in April suggesting the government expects to have a 6-in-1 vaccine ready for the market next year.
China, ASEAN to share infectious disease info to monitor for epidemics
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to share information about infectious diseases that cross the region's borders, according to the state news service, Xinhua.