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CHMP recommends approval of a host of new drugs
Some big news has come out of a key advisory committee for European drug approvals. In addition to backing approval of Merck's ($MRK) hepatitis C drug Victrelis (boceprevir), European Medicines
Blockbuster antibodies face a unique set of challenges
When Bristol-Myers Squibb's Yervoy recently won approval from the FDA, the analysts at Deloitte Recap chalked that up as the 25th such regulatory milestone for a monoclonal antibody credited to a
With $120K price tag, Yervoy hailed as potential blockbuster
Bristol-Myers Squibb's ($BMS) newly approved melanoma drug illustrates a few things about today's pharma industry. For instance, that Big Pharma can still manage to develop breakthrough new drugs,
FDA hands Bristol a blockbuster approval for breakthrough cancer drug
By the time the dust had settled on Friday's announcement that the FDA had approved Yervoy (ipilimumab) for melanoma, analysts were left clearly impressed by two key points: The FDA had extended an